Argentine - bankrupted every 10 years on one and the same debt :)

Argentine is going to pay 2 times for one and the same thing. In 2001 it went bankrupt, and as a punishment it was cut from markets and interest rates jumped up. Now again it is declared bankrupt, will be cut from markets and interests will go up. But what is funny is that today there is no bankrupt... :) The problem is the same case from 2001, restarted after a court decision by US court. After 2001 Argentine paid its price with going default and restructuring its debts. Now it will have for second time to restructure the same debts and again pay the social price... :)


ECB: The Pandora's joke with negative interests

   Why is the joke invented unless to say the truth using it… There is such a saw in my country. So 2 years ago I joked with the idea of “negative interests”. Today it is no more a joke. It is a reality. The zombie politicians passed the “red line” established by centuries of economic history and by strong mind. Yes – the European Central Bank decided to cut its deposit rate below zero.


Bulgaria in the ridiculous logic of WSJ

   The evolution of the low quality journalism was demonstrated on Wall Street Journal with the article about Bulgaria as the riskiest EU country on a matter of sympathies towards Russia. This article shows the complete lack of information and research before writing it.


Tea Party losing to socialists

   Tea Party is obviously losing ground showed the Republican primaries. Instead – more leftish candidates are winning, calling themselves a “business wing”. In fact – classic hidden socialists.


China to cash the Ukraine jumble

   When 2 are in conflict, the winner is the 3rd. This is a wisdom widely known in my country. My country is not China, but it looks as China follows this concept. So while Russia and the West are in confrontation on Ukraine, Chine will benefit from both by staying neutral.


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